word animal

Goodbye Liadh.

Last week the Education Team had to say a fond farewell to our South West Education Officer, Liadh.

Liadh has been with Dogs Trust since 2010, visiting schools in the Cork, Kerry and Limerick areas. Initially accompanied by her lovely dog Molly, who retired last year, Liadh has spoken to hundreds of school children over the years, teaching them about being a Responsible Dog Owner, and about staying safe with dogs. Anyone who has been lucky enough to have had a visit from the lovely Liadh will agree with us that she has done an amazing job of passing on her passion for animal welfare to the next generation of dog owners.

Before she left, we asked Liadh what her favourite memory of her time with Dogs Trust was, and what she would miss the most:

“My favourite memory of my time with Dogs Trust is probably my very first visit to a school. It was South Hill National School in Limerick. I was so delighted to see how enthusiastic the children were and I remember thinking how great this was for them, and what a fab job it was going to be for me!
I think I will miss the Education Team the most. Floating ideas between us all, and the fun and enthusiasm of the team was something that I really enjoyed and will definitely miss.”
We hope you'll all join us in saying a big Thank You to Liadh for being such an amazing Education Officer over the last few years, and an even bigger GOOD LUCK on her new adventures!
There are lots of changes going on in the Education Team, including another goodbye, a welcome back, and a move....so keep an eye out on the blog in the next few weeks to find out all about them!

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