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Hot tips to keep your dog cool this summer!

So the June Bank Holiday is on its way and that will hopefully mark the start of the summer!
We humans can get very excited about the summer sun and love to soak up those warm sun rays. It’s important to remember however that our doggie pals are a lot more sensitive to the rise in temperature around this time of year. Dogs can’t cool down as easily as we do, they can only cool down through their paw pads and panting which can be hard work for our doggie friends. We have put together a few top tips to help keep your doggie pal cool and relaxed during the summer months!
Water: Our doggie friends will drink a lot more water than usual when the weather is hot, so make sure you have a bowl full of clean fresh water ready for your dog throughout the day. No added ice-cubes though as these can make our dogs REALLY ill.

'gulp gulp' Meg, our South East Education Dog enjoying a fresh drink of water.

Exercise: If you can, avoid taking your dog out on his/her walk during the hottest part of the day between 12 and 3pm. Instead let them enjoy their walk in a nice cool temperature so they can enjoy and not miss out on any of their ‘walkies’ fun.
Shade: If you do find yourself outside during a hot day make sure to take breaks in the shade. Always be prepared with a bottle of water and a small container so your dog can enjoy a drink of fresh water to quench their thirst.
Meg taking a break in the shade!
Never leave your dog in the car, even if it feels cool outside: Remember, dogs find it harder to stay cool than humans, so what seems cold to us might be very warm to our dogs! Dogs left in cars have been known to suffer from heat stroke and even die. Don’t let your dog be a hot dog!!
Parking in the shade or leaving the car window open does not make it safe: Even with the window down, it is always hotter in the car than it is outside. Think of a car as a bit like an oven: air finds it hard to get in and out. We don’t want any melted mutts!
If you are driving with your dog, avoid the hottest part of the day when possible and try to use a sunblind in the window: This will make the journey much more comfortable and enjoyable for your furry friend. Remember to always have water on hand and to take breaks.
Some breeds of dog need a summer groom: Some breeds of dog have lots of fur that will need to be cut or trimmed to make sure they don’t overheat when the weather is warm.
So there you go some of our top tips to keep your dog cool and calm during the summer months :) .

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