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IPPN 2015

Last week the Education Team attended the Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN) conference in Citywest, Dublin.
Around 1/3 of all primary principals in Ireland were in attendance, that's approx 1200 heads! The Education Team were on their best behaviour with so many principals around, and were delighted to be able to spread the word about our FREE education workshops for primary schools to all the visitors that came to our stand.


The Deputy President of the IPPN, Maria Doyle,  also paid a visit to us to help promote our workshops having had a visit from Fiona and Meg recently. We even made it onto the IPPN's twitter feed, we're practically famous now!

The Education Team would like to say a big Thank You to all the principals who popped by and signed up for workshops, we look forward to visiting you all soon.
Don't forget, if you're interested in booking a FREE educational workshop in your area, head over to www.learnwithdogstrust.ie where you can find your local Education Officer and request a booking.
You can also email education@dogstrust.ie to see if Dogs Trust has an officer in your area.

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