word animal

And they call it Puppy Love.....

Happy Valentine's Day all! Isn't it lovely to have one day a year dedicated to showing someone that we love them? :) Awwwwww....
Those of you with dogs will know that every day is Valentine's Day for our four legged friends though, as they shower us with love regardless of the date!
Dogs show us unconditional love in lots of different ways, from their unique way of snuggling up, to protecting us from all those dangerous birds and insects in the house/garden! And just like it's easy for them to show us how much they love us, it's just as easy for show our pets how much we love them! 
Being a Responsible Dog Owner, and giving our dogs all the things that keep them healthy and happy is all we need to do to show our love.  We think a great way to do this is to pledge to keep these five promises!
Promise 1 - Love
I promise to provide my pet with love and attention.

Promise 2 - A home
I promise to provide my pet with a suitable place to live.

Promise 3 - Safety
I promise to protect my pet, to keep her or him safe and healthy.

Promise 4 - Food and water
I promise to provide my pet with a healthy diet.

 Promise 5 - To be themselves
I promise to provide my pet with a life that she or he will enjoy.

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