word animal

Looking back on a pawsome year! Our Education Highlights of 2014..

Happy New Year! What a year 2014 was! The Education Team were delighted to visit 377 schools and groups, where we gave a total of 1617workshops speaking to 48500 young people! Phew!
We also were thrilled with our three Education Events held in our Rehoming Centre in Finglas. Tea & Tales, Doggy Detectives and Santa Paws were all great fun and we’re all looking forward to hosting them again this year, alongside a new Halloween event! Not to mention the success of our first campaign, ‘Scoop the Poop’ it was a busy year for the Education Team!
With that in mind, the Education Team at Dogs Trust thought that it would be nice to share with you our highlights of 2014, and what we’re all looking forward to in 2015!

Fiona (& Jake)
Dublin & Eastern Area
Fiona Simpson: “My favourite moment last year was meeting a child from a group with Down syndrome I had visited, who had difficulties with his speech.  I met him in the park on my weekend off, he came over, dragging his mum in tow, and asked if he could meet Jake through sign language (his mum helped me by translating what he said). He then used his safe hand as I’d shown him during my visit to his group and he gently pet Jake.  I thought it was incredible and very touching to see, and lovely to know that the children I visit remember how to meet dogs safely. I also enjoyed rolling out our new campaign ‘Scoop the Poop’ and collaborating on a bigger and better Santa event in the Rehoming Centre.
For 2015 – I look forward to a new Halloween event, another new campaign and a fun packed year in the schools
South West Munster Area

Liadh Fitzgerald: “My highlight from 2014 was coming back from maternity leave and seeing how the education team had grown and matured. I love that we’re now putting our own stamp on the programme that originated in the UK, and creating new workshops to deliver to primary schools.
For 2015 - I’m looking forward to writing more science based workshops that we might role out in line with young scientist of the year!! 


Clare & South Connaught Area
Dawn Kavanagh: “My highlight of 2014 (other than joining the education team at Dogs Trust) was visiting my first schools after all my training. I was pretty nervous but quickly got into the swing of things. I also was chuffed to receive my very first Thank You cards- hand drawn by some of the lovely students at Bushypark National School in Galway. It was touching to see that the workshops had made an impact, and my thank you notes and cards all have pride of place in my office.
 For 2015 I’m looking forward to visiting even more schools, and hopefully during the year adopting a dog who will be my work buddy!

South East Area
Fiona Ryan: “My highlight would have to be my dog Meg passing her assessment to visit schools with me around the south eastJ. I really couldn’t wait for Meg to go out with me to schools and when she got the ok to go I was just delighted! Meg loves her new role and she is always excited to meet new pupils every day, she especially loves the extra attention she gets every day too. 
I’m looking forward to getting out an about into schools this year, and spreading the positive message about Responsible Dog Ownership!

South East Area
Meg: Best bits of 2014 for me? ALL OF IT! Rubs, attention, treats, meeting lots of little humans, getting lots of rides in the car with my human, being famous (I met a soap star you know!). 
What I’m looking forward to this year? Even more of the rubs, attention, treats, meeting lots of little humans, and getting lots of rides in the car with my human! I will be scheduling in more naps though.

Dublin & Eastern Area
Jake: My best moments from 2014? Hmmmm… that would have to be getting to show off my rugged handsomeness to all the young people Fiona brings me to see. They always remember me if I’ve met them before, and say hello to me before they do to Fiona, I think she’s used to it now.  I also get a lot of fan mail, which I let Fiona read to me J
In 2015 I’m looking forward to being the centre of attention as usual! And of course teaching young people about being Responsible Dog Owners.

If you would like more information about our education programme, or about our Education Officers and the areas they cover, pop over to www.learnwithdogstrust.ie, where you can book FREE workshops, play games and look at some exciting lesson plans designed around the theme of Responsible Pet Ownership.
You can also email education@dogstrust.ie to book a FREE education workshop in your area.

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