word animal

Happy Holiday Hounds!

Hi everyones, Meg here! The humans wanted to write about keeping dogs like me safe at Christmas, but I thought 'who better to write it but me, an actual dog?' So I'm takings over this blog thingy this week to help other hounds stay happys this holiday! So here's my advice...


Not so long ago we had some scarys looking folk come to the house, they smelled just like peoples, but looked different, I think you call it Halween? Or somethings like that. Fiona made sure I had a 'Meg only' place when this happened as it was a little bit odd and confusings for me (hey, they smelled like normal peoples but looked all weird)! She said she's going to make sure I have a spot just like that over this Christmas whatchamacallit, because lots of other humans will be comings around. She said I've sniffed most of thems before, but having lots of different two legged animals comings round is exhausting! I get so tired entertainings them with my cuteness, and need a nice spot to snooze and put my paws up away from everyone else. Fiona will make sure that its a quiet cosy place with some nice cleans water and my favourite toys and blankets where no one will disturb me- just bliss!


You humans do get to eat some lovely smelling food, I've heard my peoples talk about mince pies, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding and chocolate. Now, I smelled all these things last year, and would have happily helped the humans eat them, but they hid them from me! I thought they were just being selfish - hey, I'd share my doggy biscuits with them! Fiona told me though that some stuffs in them are poisonous to dogs, I don't know what this poisons thing is, but it doesn't sounds good :( . She said that if I ate them, I'd have to go to the V-E-T, that's the vet, she thinks if she spells it I won't understand, but I'm a smart dog cookie! The vet jabbed me with somethings last time, and even though it didn't really hurt, I definitely don't want to go back! I might forgets that they're not goods for me though, so it's better that I can't gets at them at all! The humans said to say that these are some of the things thats is not goods for us dogs: raisins, grapes, onions, garlic, macadamia nuts, avocados, and chocolates.


This is a strange things to me, but my peoples have put a tree INSIDES the house! They have put lots of shiny things on it, and twinkly things that looks like the twinkles up in the sky at nights. I tried to tell them night twinkles and trees should be outsides, but they didn't listens to me! I had a good sniff of their twinkle tree to make sure it was clean, and then I lefts it alone. I'm a sensible dog - but some doggies aren't so sensibles and push over the trees, or even tries to eats the round shiny things! Fiona says this is bad, and so maybe their humans should make sure they cant reach the shiny things, or get tangles up in wires from the twinkles. There's also this thing called tinsel - and if we eat it, we would have to go to the VET agains!
There's some green things called  holly, mistletoe, and poinsettia plants which also has this poisons things so my peoples keep them away from me so I don't eats them by accident.
So lots of things for you humans to thinks about at Christmas! I'm sure you'll all make sures your dogs are just as safe as Fiona makes me! Ifs you ever worried that your doggy pals has eatens something he shouldn't, rings the vets, they can tells you what to do! Don't forgets you can make us a nice Christmas present like the humans showed you last week!
Merry Christmas everyone! The blog will be taking a break for the next two weeks, but we'll be back again in the New Year! :)

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