word animal

Where in the world....?

Dogs Trust’s Education Officers spend a lot of time travelling in our own areas, delivering fun, free and interactive workshops to Primary aged children, and you may have seen your local Officer driving by in their Dogs Trust car (give a big wave if you do!). As well as having the great job of visiting schools to deliver Dogs Trust’s messages, and teach the next generation of dog owners all about Responsible Dog Ownership, the Education Officers also get to see a lot of Ireland. We drive through some really lovely parts of the country, and sometimes can’t believe our luck that this is part of our job! (Of course it helps when the weather is on our side).
So, we decided that we’d give you all a sneak peek into where we go, and the range of places that we get to see on our travels. Here are some places that the Education Team have had the pleasure of seeing en route to their workshops over the last month, we hope you agree that they are stunning! J

If you would like to book a FREE Dogs Trust Educational Workshop in your area, contact education@dogstrust.ie.

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