word animal

Lots of Learning with Longford Libraries

Earlier this month, our South Connaught and Clare Education Officer Dawn made a special trip to Longford to take part in joint workshops with Longford County Council. Dawn visited two libraries alongside County Vet Michael King and a whole menagerie of animals, to talk to local National School children about pet care and of course Responsible Dog Ownership. There was fantastic involvement from the children who attended, with Halloween being big on their list of concerns for their pets. We scooped some (fake!) poop, talked about how to be responsible dog owners, including walking our dogs twice a day, keeping them secure so that they don't roam and making sure they are microchipped and have a license. Everyone then got a chance to meet the range of animals there. What a fantastic day!

Students from Bunlahy NS, Longford with the menagerie of animals, and yes, that is a miniature horse in the library!

Persian Cat

 Silkie Hens

 Angora Rabbit

small horse

Dogs(x3) & 2 puppies!
The Education Team would like to say a big Thank You to Longford County Council for inviting them to take part in this terrific day.
If you would like to book a FREE Dogs Trust Educational Workshop in your area, contact education@dogstrust.ie.

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