word animal

Fantastic FUNdraising!

Did you know that Dogs Trust is Ireland's largest dog welfare organisation and that we don't receive any funding from the government? This means that we rely solely on the generosity of members of the public to help us take care of all the dogs in our care, providing them with everything they need to be healthy and happy dogs!
The Education Team are fortunate enough to get to visit schools who are really keen to help raise funds for Dogs Trust, and we often get asked how schools can do this! Well, with that in mind we created a FUNdraising Kit for Schools, packed full of ideas and guidance on lots of FUN ways to help us here at Dogs Trust.
Some of the exciting things to be found in our new FUNdraising Kit for Schools!
We've got letters from Jimmy'n'Chew, sponsorship cards, and posters, all ready and waiting for schools to use if they decide they would like to fundraise for us!

Click HERE for our FUNdraising poster!
Click HERE for our Sponsor Form
Our new kit will be available on our education website www.learnwithdogstrust.ie, and can also be accessed by following this link- FUNraising Kit for Schools.
We think the most important part of fundraising is the FUN! So make sure you have lots of it!

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