word animal

Ruff love : Staying Safe and Sound with Hounds Pt 2.

Safety around dogs is one of the key things the Education Team talk about in schools, and here on the blog we've already learned about meeting dogs when they are with their owners (W.A.L.T) and about some times that we should leave dogs alone
1. When they are eating/drinking 
2.When they are in their bed
3.When they are all by themselves without an owner
As well as knowing when it's best to leave dogs in peace, it's always good to know how to behave around our dogs at home or when visiting someone who has a pet dog/dogs.
First thing to remember is that dogs aren't people! When we say hello to a friend/family member, we might go up and give them a big hug to show them how much we care about them. Lots of people think that it's okay to do the same to a dog- but have you ever seen a dog hugging another dog? Probably not, and that's because dogs don't really understand what a hug is, and lots of them wouldn't like to be squeezed so close to somebody! There are lots of other ways that we can show dogs affection, like stroking them gently, or playing some fun games with them!
Next.....we should never put our faces up close to a dog's, even if it's just to say hello.  Can you imagine if somebody did that to you? Put their face right up in front of yours? That could be quite frightening for us wouldn't it, and it's also frightening for your dog!

Always stay nice and calm around dogs. We shouldn't be making loud and sudden noises around them in case we give them a fright, and we should always move calmly and quietly around them.
Always walk your dog with a grown up. If your dog sees something he/she wants to chase, or if he/she gets a fright and tries to run off, you might get pulled off your feet, and have to let go of the lead. A grown up will be more able to hold onto your dog keeping you both safe!
 Treat dogs with respect and they will respect you.



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