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Chocs Away this Easter!

Easter is almost upon us and the house is full of chocolate! It’s hard to resist the temptation to give your doggy a little choccy treat. Please remember that human chocolate can be extremely harmful to your dog.
Many people are unaware that chocolate is poisonous to dogs.
  • Chocolate makes dogs extremely sick and may even kill them.
  • Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine which is safe for humans but not safe for dogs.
  • The darker the chocolate, the more poisonous it is for you doggy pal.
  • As a rough guide, Dogs Trust estimates that 50g of plain chocolate could be enough to kill a small dog, such as a Yorkshire Terrier, while just 400g could be enough to kill an average size dog.
Other dangers:
  • Risk of obesity
  • Dangers of eating the foil wrapping
 So that everyone can have an egg-cellent Easter, remember these rules to keep your dog safe:
• Keep your "chocs away" in a safe place so your dog can't get to it.
• NEVER feed your dog chocolate that's meant for humans.
• If your Easter egg is missing and you think your dog may have stolen it, contact your vet straight away.
• Look out for any of the following symptoms; vomiting with blood, a sore tummy, extreme thirst, excitability, drooling, rapid heart rate and in severe cases, fits.
• If your dog is displaying any of these signs then take him immediately to your vet.
• The sooner your dog gets to a vet, the greater the chance of recovery from chocolate poisoning.
• If you want to treat your dog this Easter, stick to natural doggy snacks that are kinder to your canine.
Image result for hot cross bun free pic
Don't forget, raisins are also poisonous to dogs so if you're enjoying a yummy hot cross bun, make sure you resist the temptation to share it with your pooch!

 Happy Easter from the Education Team! xx


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