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Gone to the Dogs!

As promised in our last post, Jake and Meg are here this week answering the questions people asked on Facebook, and here on the Blog, about their lives as Education Dogs. We’ve also asked them to answer some of the most common questions that come up in schools when they visit.

Hi Jake and Meg! What's your favourite part of the job as Education Dogs?
J: Well, my favourite part would have to be getting so much attention. Every time I’m in schools I get lots of rubs, after the little humans ask my Fiona of course. I really am a very good boy and I know to just lie down on my bed and let the rubs commence! I have been known to nod off and snore when I’m in classrooms, but it’s tiring being so popular.
M: I don’t knows what my favouritest part is! I gets to ride in the car with my human all days, I get treats for beings good, AND I get to meets lots and lots of new peoples! Jake tells me I’ll gets used to all the excitements but I can’t stop waggings my tail every morning when my Fiona tells me it’s times for school!

Do you have to be a specific breed of dog to be an education dog? Is there a special breed that trains easier etc?
M: I'm a Jack Russell Terrier and Jake is a Boxer. There's also Miniature Schnauzers and a lovely Rottie cross on the team who are havings a break. Jake says that we’ves also hads a Greyhound in the team too! That’s lots of different dog breeds. Some peoples thinks that some breeds of dogs are just bad, but all dogs can be lovelies when they have a lovely homes.  
J: As Meg said, we’ve had lots of different breeds in the Education Team, and we’re all very well trained for our job. I think I’m the smartest of course, though the others might not agree but as top dog I’m the boss. Fiona says it’s all about our temperament, and being positive when we’re being trained. When I get something right I get a nice treat or rubs, which of course I deserve. She doesn’t tell me off if I don’t understand what she wants me to do, sometimes she forgets how to speak dog!
In your education school visits, what do you cover with the children? Do you visit primary schools only?
J: We cover lots of interesting things about being a Responsible Dog Owner in schools, like what us dogs need to stay healthy and happy, how much we cost to look after over our lives (we’re worth it though!), tips to keep safe around us, and lots of other things that will help the little humans be great dog parents when they grow up. They are so good in schools, lots of them know about looking after dogs and they ask Fiona lots of questions if they don’t know something. We visit lots of primary schools, although they sometimes take a holiday and when they do we go to libraries and other groups of little people.
 Are education dogs classed as working dogs such as greyhounds? or not?
M: I works, so I must be a working dog right? I’m a pet firsts though Fiona says. I wasn’t mades just for workings likes some dogs. Sometimes I think it's silly to say I'm going to work for the day, because I gets so much attention and treats, I just loves it! Lucky me. Dogs like greyhounds that have been mades for working can also be pets too, and all dogs deserves a nice homes like mine.

Can dogs look up? Do you only see in black and white?
J: Of course we can look up, especially if there’s a treat involved. Or some noisy birds in the sky. Maybe we can’t do it as well as you humans but we can do it.
M: I sees colours! Humans say us dogs is colourblinds, but that only means that we can’t sees all the same colours that you cans. We can’t sees these colours you calls reds and greens, if they even exists! Some humans are colourblinds too so they know what we means. We can smell lots more things that peoples though, so maybe we should call humans smellblinds.
How old are you both?
J: I'm 5 and Meg is almost 3. We both have been very lucky to have been in our fur-ever homes since we were puppies.
What tricks can you do?
M: I’m a clever girls. I can sit, stay and give the paw. I get nice treats and rubs if I do these when the humans ask so I loves that. They are tryings to teach me this ‘roll-over’ things, which means even more attentions and nice things!
J: Well, being the smart chap that I am, I can do a lot of these ‘trick’ things. I can give high fives, speak, whisper, play dead, sit, and stay. I even know that I only go to the toilet in ‘Jakes Corner’ in the garden. The humans think they taught me these things, but I taught them to give me lots of attention and the odd treat when I do them. Who’s the smart one now!
Why does Jake have a short tail? And why is Meg’s long?
M: Why wouldn’ts I have a long tail? That’s what I was borns with! I love wagging it and hitting the humans on the legs with it when I stands next to them.
J: My tail is short as it was docked when I was a puppy. People used to shorten dog’s tails because they thought it looked better. They’re not allowed to do that anymore. I don’t mind having a short tail now, but I do sometimes dream of having a longer one. I’m glad that all dogs can keep their long tails. Just because I have a short tail doesn’t mean I can’t wag it as much though!
And the most popular question children ask ‘Can I pet your dog please?’.
J: We both love being petted, but people should always remember to ask the owner first. The little humans we meet in schools always ask before they pet us.
M: Thanks for all the questions peoples, we hopes you enjoyed our dogs blog. Now it's naps times :).

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