word animal

Dogs Trust Educates Together.

Students at Carrigaline Educate Together help launch
the new programme of lesson plans!

Last week Dogs Trust Education Officers Liadh and Fiona were delighted to be invited to Carrigaline Educate Together to the launch of a brand new animal welfare lesson programme. Along with Educate Together, the ISPCA and Veterinary Ireland, Dogs Trust were thrilled to be asked to help create these lessons, which are the first of their kind in primary schools in Ireland.

Education Officers Liadh and Fiona with Minister Coveney at the launch.

This new programme is designed to teach young people about pet care and responsibility in a fun and interactive way :) The lesson plans are available for anyone to download and use from our very own education website www.learnwithdogstrust.ie, they are also available on the websites of the other partners! So go on and have a look!

An example of one of the many lesson plans aimed
 to teach Responsible Pet Ownership

The Education team here at Dogs Trust hopes that these plans are a huge success, and has no doubt that they will be enjoyed by all the young people who get to use them!

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