word animal

It's raining Cats and Dogs!

Hi Guys! Jake here - Senior Education Dog if you want my full title. I wanted to take over the blog this week to talk to you about a subject close to my heart - WALKIES!
Now that the weather is getting colder and wetter, lots of doggie parents might think that their dog's might not want to go out walking but I'm here to tell you that's not true! I still need my walks two times a day, wind, rain or shine! My human, Fiona, knows that even if it's raining I still like to get out and about - who else is going to make sure that my neighbourhood is safe?
I thought that I'd show you all how easy it is to keep us dogs healthy and happy even when that water stuff is falling from the sky!

I do love my walks, whatever the weather, as it's always nice to go back indoors and warm up afterward. I would hate to be stuck outdoors with no shelter and blankets to keep me warm like some dogs, all that rain and cold air and no way to dry off and warm up? No thanks! If you two-legged folk do have outdoor dogs, it's not hard to make sure that they have somewhere warm and dry to shelter in, after all you wouldn't want to sleep out in the bad weather would you?
My new friend Meg loves being warm and cosy too, and Fiona (not MY Fiona!) makes sure that she gets a good spot by the fire, especially in the bad weather. Wouldn't it be great if all dogs could do this? We both agree that every dog deserves a safe place by the fire (or a nice warm radiator!).  Especially when it's stormy out, us dogs can get scared, run off and lose our bearings, so please keep us safe indoors, and keep an eye on us when we need to go outside. And keep us on a lead when we're out walking, so that if either of us get scared we won't run off and lose each other!
With Halloween coming up this is especially important, so check out the blog next week when the humans will be giving you some tips to keep us hounds safe and sound at this time of year.

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